


Some key areas of COVID-19 research should be continued, ultimately for the next 5 years, such as vaccine development and efficacy, long COVID-19, mental health impact, telemedicine and remote healthcare, epidemiological modeling and surveillance, socioeconomic impacts, and recovery strategies.


Teixeira R, Doetsch J. The multifaceted role of mobile technologies as a strategy to combat COVID-19 pandemic. Epidemiology and infection. 2020 Jan 1;148.

Perkins KM, Ellenbecker M, Munguia N, Moure-Eraso R, Velazquez L. COVID-19 pandemic lessons to facilitate future engagement in the global climate crisis. Journal of cleaner production. 2020 Nov 17;290(3):125178.

Arabi YM, Myatra SN, Lobo SM. Surging ICU during COVID-19 pandemic: an overview. Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2022 Oct 11;28(6):638–44.

Garg M, Garg S, Bhalla A, Sandhu MS, Dhooria S, Puri GD, Jagia P, Vijayvergiya R, Goyal M, Agarwal R, Sehgal I, Suri V, Maralakunte M, Bhatia V, Bhalla AS, Grover S. The Conundrum of “Long-COVID-19”: A Narrative Review. International Journal of General Medicine. 2021 Jun 1;14(6):2491–506.

Sadat Larijani M, Ashrafian F, Bagheri Amiri F, Banifazl M, Bavand A, Karami A, Asgari Shokooh F, Ramezani A. Characterization of long COVID-19 manifestations and its associated factors: A prospective cohort study from Iran. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2022 Jun 8;169(8):105618.

Shi H, Goulias KG. Long-term effects of COVID-19 on time allocation, travel behavior, and shopping habits in the United States. Journal of Transport & Health. 2023 Dec 16;34:101730.

Gloeckl R, Schneeberger T, Koczulla AR, Leitl D, Jarosch I. Rehabilitative interventions in patients with persistent post COVID-19 symptoms—a review of recent advances and future perspectives. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2023 Jun 16;274(8):1819–28.

Maham S, Yoon MS. Clinical Spectrum of Long COVID: Effects on Female Reproductive Health. Viruses. 2024 Jul 16;16(7):1142.

Lundstrom K. COVID-19 Vaccines: Where Did We Stand at the End of 2023? Viruses. 2024 Jan 29;16(2):203.

Kudlay D, Svistunov A. COVID-19 Vaccines: An Overview of Different Platforms. Bioengineering. 2022 Feb 12;9(2):72.

Ford A, Earle K, Deal C, King D, Hall BF, Giersing B, Hwang A, Mo AX, Dull P, Baqar S, Touchette N. Meeting Summary: Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum, 2021. Vaccine. 2023 Feb 18;41(11):1799–807.

Huerne K, Filion KB, Grad R, Ernst P, Gershon AS, Eisenberg MJ. Epidemiological and clinical perspectives of long COVID syndrome. American journal of medicine open. 2023 Jan 18;9:100033.

Raman B, Lüscher TF, Neubauer S, Bluemke DA. Long COVID: post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 with a cardiovascular focus. European Heart Journal. 2022 Feb 18;43(11):1157–72.

Pierce JD, Cintron SA, Shen Q, Hiebert JB. Post-COVID-19 Syndrome. Nursing Research. 2022 Mar 1;71(2):164–74.

Sher L. Post-COVID syndrome and suicide risk. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Jan 24;114(2):95–8.

Jimeno-Almazán A, Pallarés JG, Buendía-Romero Á, Martínez-Cava A, Franco-López F, Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez BJ, Bernal-Morel E, Courel-Ibáñez J. Post-COVID-19 Syndrome and the Potential Benefits of Exercise. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021 May 17;18(10):5329.

Lange M, Le Bas F, Joo S, Couette PA, Humbert X. Impact on mental health of the COVID-19 outbreak among general practitioners during the sanitary lockdown period. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -). 2021 Mar 4;191(1):93–6.

Hanna K, Cannon J, Gabbay M, Gaughan A, Komuravelli A, Butchard S, Callaghan S, Tetlow H, Rogers C, Eley R, Shaw L, Shenton J, Rajagopal M, Ward K, Giebel C, Whittington R, Limbert S. Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Following COVID-19 Public Health Measures on People Living With Dementia and Carers. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology. 2021 Feb 25;35(3):344–52.

Houghton S, Kyron M, Hunter SC, Lawrence D, Hattie J, Carroll A, Zadow C. Adolescents’ longitudinal trajectories of mental health and loneliness: The impact of COVID-19 school closures. Journal of adolescence. 2022 Feb 1;94(2):191–205.

Hawrysz L, Bitkowska A, Gierszewska G. The Research on Patient Satisfaction with Remote Healthcare Prior to and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021 May 17;18(10):5338.

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Graf C, Soriano ER, Fernández-Ávila DG, Plazzotta F. Telehealth and Telemedicine in Latin American Rheumatology, a New Era After COVID-19. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2023 Apr 1;29(3):165–9.

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Chaves-Maza M, Fedriani Martel EM. Entrepreneurship support ways after the COVID-19 crisis. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. 2020 Dec 30;8(2):662–81.

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